August 30, 2023

Mystery Book for September 2023 - ‘The Island’ by Adrian McKinty


September 11, 2023
The Island by Adrian McKinty


An engaging thriller that, despite some flaws, contains storytelling that pulls readers compulsively onward.

An American family’s trip to see koalas and Australian wildlife becomes a life-and-death situation after they kill an innocent woman in a car crash and her family seeks revenge.

Tom, 44; his second wife, Heather, 24; and his kids, Olivia, 14, and Owen, 12, are in Australia, piggybacking a family vacation onto a business trip. After a difficult year that saw the death of Tom’s first wife and his marriage to Heather—whom the kids dislike—a group trip seems like a way to bring them all together. Renting a car to drive to the coast in search of interesting animals seems like a fun excursion. But while stopping at a roadside stand for food, the family gets to talking with some local people, and they end up on a tiny ferry to a remote private island in search of the wildlife they haven’t yet seen. Once on the island, one thing leads to another, and Tom, driving too fast, hits a woman on a bike, killing her instantly. Over several generations, the family that lives on the island has become a law unto itself, and after realizing that the woman is dead, they seek retribution—whether it will be via death, rape, or cash is to be decided by Ma, the head of the family, and Danny, the husband of the woman who's been killed. Some elements of the survival story feel more like convenient plot points than believable developments, and the writing is occasionally overwrought as McKinty seeks to make weighty statements about life, death, and spiritual links to the natural world, but on the whole, McKinty has written an exciting thriller that follows Heather and the others as they seek to run, hide, and survive the elements until the police—whom they have no way of contacting—can arrive.

An engaging thriller that, despite some flaws, contains storytelling that pulls readers compulsively onward.

August 8, 2023

Character List for A Dark and Twisted Tide

Warning: This list may contain "spoilers."

The Metropolitan Police Marine Unit—Wapping

Detective Superintendent Weaver—Lacey’s new boss in Marine Unit in Wapping

Constable Lacey Flint—recently transferred to the Marine Unit, taking a downgrade from detective in the Metropolitan Police to uniformed officer; we never discover her real name

Sergeant Scott Buckle—a senior officer of the Marine Unit at Wapping

Sergeant Finn Turner—an officer of the Marine Unit at Wapping

Sergeant Fred “Uncle Fred” Wilson—a veteran of the Marine Unit; also Joesbury’s uncle

The Metropolitan Police—Lewisham

Chief Inspector David Cook—Tulloch’s boss

Detective Inspector Dana Tulloch—Lacey’s previous boss when Lacey was a detective

Detective Sergeant Neil Anderson—a member of Tulloch’s team

Detective Constable Pete Stenning—a member of Tulloch’s team

Detective Constable Gayle Mizon—a member of Tulloch’s team

Detective Constable Tom Barrett—a member of Tulloch’s team

Dr. Mike Kaytes—the pathologist for the Metropolitan Police

Jac—lab tech for Kaytes

Max—lab tech for Kaytes

Special Crimes Directorate

Detective Inspector Mark Joesbury—Wilson’s nephew; Tulloch’s best friend; Lacey’s love interest; on undercover case as “Sergeant Mick Jackson”

Neighbors in the Boat Yards and Creeks

Ray Bradbury—owns the boat next to Lacey’s; fellow “wild-swimmer” in the tidal Thames

Eileen Bradbury—Ray’s wife

Marlene—owns a boat docked at Skillion’s Wharf; an “actress”

Madge—Marlene’s partner; a “producer”

Alexander “Alex” Christakos—the medical director of the fertility clinic that Dana and Helen have chosen; also runs the egg-donor clinic (the “house”) where the immigrant women are held

Thessaloniki “Thessa” (aka Mujeeb)—a wheelchair-bound herbalist whom Lacey meets on Sayes Creek; Christakos’s twin

The Immigrant Women

Nadia Safi—a near-drowning victim whom Lacey had rescued during a pursuit of suspected people smugglers the previous October; the third woman Thessa helped escape the egg-donor clinic

Anya Fahid (aka Sahar)—the seventh woman to “escape” the egg-donor clinic; the first body Lacey finds; “Sahar” is the name the police give her when they have a facial reconstruction done from the skeleton

Pari—the sickest woman in the egg-donor clinic; in the room next to Tulloch when Tulloch goes undercover

Rabia Khan—the ninth woman to “escape” the egg-donor clinic; the body Lacey finds dangling from the mast on her boat

Yass—the fourth woman to “escape” the egg-donor clinic; probably one of the last two bodies discovered in the South Dock Mariana

Ummu—the fifth woman to “escape” the egg-donor clinic (probably Thessa’s last rescue); later granted a visa to stay in UK

Samira—the sixth woman to “escape” the egg-donor clinic; probably the Jane Doe #4 body that was found a couple of months earlier near the Marina

Badrai—the eighth woman to “escape” the egg-donor clinic; probably one of the last two bodies found in the South Dock Marina

Maya—the last immigrant woman picked up in a smuggling arrest; the woman Tulloch impersonates when she goes undercover

Jamilla Kakar—the first immigrant woman to escape from the egg-donor clinic “as if magic” (Thessa’s first); later granted a visa to stay in UK

Shireen—the second woman Thessa helped escape from the egg-donor clinic; later granted a visa to stay in the UK

The Egg-Donor Clinic Workers

Dr. Kanesh—examining doctor at the clinic

Nurse Rachel Stafford—a nurse at the clinic

Kathryn Markova—office manager and orderly at the clinic

Family/Friends/Miscellaneous Characters

Helen—Dana’s romantic partner; a detective chief inspector who works for Tayside Police in Dundee, Scotland, where she mostly lives

Carrie—Joesbury’s ex-wife

Huck—Joesbury’s 9-year-old son

Victoria “Toc” Llewellyn—prisoner in a high-security prison at Durham whom Lacey visits every two weeks; a serial killer; there are hints that they might be related

Catherine Llewellyn—Victoria’s younger sister who supposedly died in a “river accident”; Lacey denies that she is Catherine

Dale—civil servant at the UK Border Agency headquarters

Fazil—a supposed distant relative of Nadia Safi’s

Jaamil—Fazil’s wife

Aamil—one of the smugglers who’d been arrested smuggling Maya

Raashid—one of the smugglers who’d been arrested smuggling Maya