September 4, 2024

Character List for "The Satapur Moonstone"

Bombay Characters

P. J. “Perveen” Mistry, Esq.—a Bombay solicitor working in her father’s law firm, Mistry Law; she has taken back her maiden name after separating from her husband, Cyrus Sodawalla

Jamshedji Mistry, Esq.—Perveen’s father and owner of Mistry Law

Camellia Mistry—Perveen’s mother

Gulnaz Mistry—Perveen’s sister-in-law

Alice Hobson-Jones—Perveen’s friend and classmate from Oxford

Sir David Hobson-Jones—Alice’s father; one of the British governor’s top three councilors in India

Associated with the Kolhapur Agency

Colin Wythe Sandringham—the Kolhapur Agency’s British political agent for Satapur; he lives at the circuit house

RamaColin’s cook and assistant at the circuit house

Dr. Graham Andrews—British doctor for the Satapur region

Owen McLaughlin—Colin’s predecessor as political agent for Satapur

Yazad and Vendana Mehta—a couple who live near the circuit house (in an estate they call “Heaven’s Rest”); Vendana has mysterious ties to the Satapur royal family

Roderick Ames—despite his English-sounding name and Welsh accent, an Indian electrical engineer who is doing work for the Kolhapur Agency

Members of the Satapur Royal Family

Prince Jiva Rao—the 10-year-old son of the late Maharaja Mahendra Rao; he is next in line of succession when he comes of age at 18

Prince Pratap Rao—the older son of the late Mahendra Rao; he was briefly maharaja until he was mysteriously killed in what looked like a hunting accident

Princess Padmabai Rao—the youngest child of the late Mahendra Rao

Maharani Mirabai Rao—the wife of the late Mahendra Rao and the mother of Pratap, Jiva, and Padmabai; shealso referred to as the choti-rani; before her marriage, she was Keya of Bhor

Maharaja Mahendra Rao—the next-to-last maharaja, son of Mohan and Putlabai Rao and younger brother of Prince Swaroop

Prince Swaroop—Mahendra Rao’s older brother, the current “prime minister” of Satapur

Maharani Putlabai Rao—the “dowager maharani,” Mahendra and Swaroop Rao’s mother and the widow of their father Mohan Rao; shes also referred to as the rajmata

Maharaja Mohan Rao—Mahendra and Swaroop Rao’s father; he signed the original agreement between the British government and the royal family for the administration of Satapur

Members of the Satapur Royal Court

Aditya—the jester (buffoon or “yerda”) at the royal palace

Mr. Basu—the aging tutor to two generations of Rao children, currently Jiva and Padmabai; he is also officially the palace officer

Chitra—the maid assigned to assist Perveen at the palace

Jaginder Dhillon—Swaroop’s employee, formerly the palace officer at the Satapur palace

Archana—Putlabai Rao’s favorite lady-in-waiting

Swagata—one of Putlabai’s ladies-in-waiting; Chitra’s mother

Other Satapur Characters

Pratik—the postman who delivers the mail in Satapur

Charan—Pratik’s assistant

Lakshman—the village businessman who runs the palanquin rental

Baburam—responsible for maintaining the hunting lodge